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Advent I

11.28.71 - Past, Present, Future in Christ
12.1.74 - What Time is It?
11.30.75 - Be Prepared
11.28.82 - Time to Wake Up!
12.3.89 - Sign of the Times
12.2.90 - On Alert!
11.29.92 - Getting Ready for What?
11.27.94 - Time to Wake Up! (reprise)
12.1.96 - You'd Better Watch Out!
11.30.97 - A Wake-Up Call! (reprise)

Advent II

Date N/A - Housecleaning

12.9.73 - The Preparations Have Begun

12.8.74 - Clear the Way

12.4.76 - Prepare the Way

12.10.78 - What Are You Preparing For?

12.9.84 - Where There's Hope, There's Life

12.7.86 - A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

12.5.93 - Finding Your Way Back Home

12.7.97 - Preparing The Way

Advent III

12.17.78 - Always Rejoicing?!?

12.13.81 - Does God Take Sides?

12.12.82 - 'Tis The Season To Be...

12.11.89 - Have No Anxiety!?

12.16.90 - This Is Your Life

12.15.91 - Finding That Perfect Gift

12.11.94 - Pointing to a More Powerful One

12.16.01 - What Do We Expect?


Advent IV

12.24.72 - A Prayer for Peace

12.19.76 - First Things First

12.24.78 - The Highest Favor of All

12.23.84 - Don't Be Afraid!

12.20.92 - It's All In a Name!

12.22.96 - Joseph Tells It Like It Was!

12.21.97 - The Best Is Yet To Come




Christmas Eve

12.24.75 - Ready or Not, Here He Comes

12.24.77 - Out of the Darkness...

12.24.81 - A Sign of Heaven on Earth

12.24.82 - (No Title)

12.24.83 - Christmas Hype or Hope?

12.24.84 - An Extra Special Gift

12.24.85 - Keeping Christmas!

Date N/A - All Together Again

12.24.88 - The Greatest Gift

12.24.89 - Reason for Rejoicing

12.24.90 - No Longer Watching From a Distance!

12.24.91 - At Last - Heaven on Earth!

12.24.92 - To Us a Child is Given!

12.24.93 - The Never-Ending Story

12.24.93 - The Greatest Story Ever Re-told

12.24.94 - Christmas in Candy Canes

12.24.94 - A Night with More Than Toledo Sparkles

12.24.96 - Do It Again!

12.24.97 - The Face of Grace

12.24.98 - (No Title)

The Epiphany of our Lord

1.6.74 - Christ's Reflectors

1.6.91 - When You've Seen the Light...

1.6.02 - When You've Seen the Light... (reprise)

New Year's Eve Day

12.31.71 - Be Fruitful Lovers In '72

12.31.74 - A Time To Look Ahead

1.1.95 - Name It and Claim It In '95!

Christmas II

1.5.75 - Never the Same Again

1.1.89 - Back to Business as Usual

1.4.97 - There's No Place Like Home

1.5.97 - Wanted: Grace & Truth!

Christmas I

12.26.71 - Admire Him - But Follow Him

12.31.78 - 365 Days of the Year!

12.29.85 - Family Ties

12.31.89 - For Everything...A Season!

12.28.91 - Wisdom for 92' & Beyond

12.27.92 - Who Could Ask for Anything More?

12.26.93 - From Cradle to Cross

12.28.97 - Put On Your Christ(mas) Clothing!

Epiphany IV

2.2.75 - On Loan

1.30.77 - Another Four Letter Word

1.30.83 - What The World Needs Now!

2.3.85 - Teaching That Makes a Difference

2.1.87 - Something To Boast About!

1.28.90 - Poverty That Yields Riches

2.3.91 - A World Yet Possessed

1.31.93 - Getting Beyond Superbowl Boasting!

Date N/A - All You Need Is...

2.2.97 - Speak With Authority!

2.1.98 - All You Need Is... (reprise)

2.3.02 - Something To Boast About! (reprise)

Epiphany III

1.23.72 - The Church - A Transforming Community

1.26.75 - We, They, or Us?

1.25.76 - True Grit

1.23.77 - The Quest for Freedom

1.22.78 - About Face

1.27.80 - Shape Up With Us

1.23.83 - Different Strokes From Different Folks

1.27.85 - ...But When I Became a Man...

1.26.86 - Keeping The Body Fit

1.24.88 - Another Fishy Story

1.22.89 - What A Body!

1.21.90 - The One and Only...

1.27.91 - Not Just Any Old Fish Story!

1.26.92 - The Full-Bodied Spirit!

1.26.97 - Drop Everything and Go Fishing!

1.25.98 - God's 'Super Bowl' Strategy

Epiphany II

1.15.78 - Close Encounter of the Third Kind

1.20.80 - For the Common Good

1.15.84 - Show and Tell Time

1.20.85 - After the Call, Then What?

1.19.86 - Has Halley's Comet Changed Your Life?

1.18.87 - Is It Worth It?

1.17.88 - Come and See!

1.19.91 - What a Body!

1.16.94 - Called to Build Bridges!

1.19.97 - You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

1.20.02 - What Are You Looking For?

Epiphany I

1.9.72 - Change the World

1.12.75 - What's Our Line?

1.11.76 - You - You're The One

1.8.78 - Signed, Sealed, and Delivered​

1.9.79 - When You've Seen the Light

1.8.84 - When You Wish Upon A Star (make sure it's a light to Christ!) 

1.11.87 - To Be Among the Greatest!

1.10.88 - A Clean Sword and a Dirty Bible

1.12.91 - To Dream the Impossible Dream

1.9.94 - Everlasting Affirmative-Action!

1.11.98 - Becoming Fully Immersed!

Epiphany VII

2.22.87 - Built Into Wholly Lovers!

2.19.95 - Going Beyond The Golden Rule

Epiphany VI

2.17.74 - Ultimate Security

2.15.76 - No Limits

2.18.79 - Amen!

2.15.87 - Choose Life!

2.11.90 - Space for Grace

2.16.92 - Go For The Gold!

2.14.93 - You're Mine! I'm Yours! And That's That!

2.12.95 - Choices of the Heart

Epiphany V

2.10.74 - On Call

2.8.76 - The Price of Popularity 

2.6.77 - Surprise!!

2.4.79 - All Things To All People?!

2.10.80 - Aye, Aye, Sir!

2.5.84 - Just A Little Bit Makes All The Difference

2.7.87 - A Story Without Strutting!

Easter IV

5.9.76 - Easier Said Than Done

5.6.79 - Time To Take Inventory

5.10.81 - Open The Door To The Abundant Life!

5.22.82 - It's About Calling Dogs and Sheep

5.13.84 - What A Style!

5.20.86 - Who Wants To Be Sheep?

5.24.88 - Wanted: A Good Shepherd

5.6.90 - Wanted: Another Good Shepherd!

Date N/A - Open The Door To Life!

5.10.92 - To Be Or Not To Be

5.24.94 - Good Shepherds: Tough-Minded, Tender-Hearted

5.7.95 - In Search Of A Good Shepherd!

5.3.98 - The Whole World In His Hands

Easter III

4.28.74 - I Pledge Allegiance To...

5.2.81 - Are There Any Witnesses?

4.24.77 - On A Collision Course!

4.9.78 - Missing The Main Point

4.29.79 - Heard, Seen, & Felt

4.17.83 - From Beggar To Benefactor

4.21.85 - Not Yet Fully Done!

4.13.86 - Closed:  Gone Fishing

4.17.88 - It's The Real Thing!

5.3.92 - Renewed Visions of Hope

 4.13.97 - Checking the Vital Signs!

4.25.04 - More Than Just "Normal"

Easter II

4.17.77 - A Tribute To Thomas

4.2.78 - Your Assignment

4.18.82 - Peace Be With You!

4.10.83 - Post-Easter Proofs!

4.2.89 - Power To The People!

4.23.95 - The Credentials That Defeat Doubt!

4.6.97 - Post-Easter 'PROOFS!' (reprise)

4.27.14 - How Can We Be Sure?


4.2.72 - We Have Seen The Risen Lord

4.22.73 - Called By Name - In A Graveyard

4.14.74 - The Turning Point

4.30.75 - What A Discovery!

3.30.75 - A New Beginning

4.18.76 - Beyond Bewilderment

4.18.76 - A Major Breakthrough

4.10.77 - The Real Facts of "Life"

4.10.77 - An Unexpected Victory

3.26.78 - The Final Victory

4.6.80 - The Victory Over Darkness

4.11.82 - Rise and Shine!

4.3.83 - The Turning Point (reprise)

4.7.85 - Show and Tell

3.30.86 - Deliverance!

4.3.88 - Taking the Vital Signs

4.19.87 - What Do You Expect?

3.26.89 - Turning Tragedy Into Triumph!

4.15.90 - Raised To New Life!

3.31.91 - Finished - But Not Yet Done!

4.19.92 - Coming Attractions

4.11.93 - Keeps On Going!

4.3.94 - Unshackled!

4.16.95 - Home Safe!

3.30.97 - From Empty Tombs To Living Encounters!

3.31.02 - Turning Tragedy Into Triumph! (reprise)

Good Friday

4.16.76 - No Title

3.31.72 - The Word of Commitment

4.20.73 - No One Can Do It Alone

4.20.73 - Anyone's Paradise Now!

4.12.74 - Doing What Comes Unnaturally

3.28.75 - Confidence To The End

4.13.79 - Expecting the Worst...Getting The Best

4.4.80 - Coming Home

4.5.85 - My God, My God...?

3.28.86 - Finished - Not Yet Ended!

3.24.89 - I Thirst!

3.29.91 - Joseph Caiaphas, The High Priest (Dramatic Monologue)

4.17.92 - Joseph of Arimathea (Dramatic Monologue)

4.1.94 - The Cry of Thirst!

3.28.97 - Better Than ALMOST Good Friday!

Maundy Thursday

4.19.73 - Do You Remember?

3.30.72 - Do This In Remembrance Of Me

4.11.79 - Table Talk

3.23.89 - The Right Time!

3.27.97 - Final Words To The Family

Holy Tuesday

3.21.89 - Fools...For Christ's Sake!

3.26.91 - Title N/A

4.6.93 - Title N/A

Holy Monday

3.28.88 - Title N/A

4.9.90 - Extravagant Love Now, Not Later!

4.13.92 - From Puppy Love to Paradise

Lent VI/Palm Sunday

First PDF

4.11.73 - Going To Gethsemane

3.23.75 - What A Demonstration!

4.3.77 - The Final Days

4.11.76 - The Paradox of the Passion - Palm Sunday

4.4.79 - That's As Close As You Can Get!

4.8.79 - Crown Him The Lord Of All

3.27.83 - Are You Willing To Pay The Price?

Second PDF

3.30.80 - King For A Day

4.15.84 - Why Me?

4.8.90 - Taking A Deeper Look!

4.4.93 - The Road Less Traveled

3.27.94 - From Pomp To Passion!

3.23.97 - Taking A Closer Look! (reprise - Taking A Deeper Look!)

Lent V

3.31.74 - Spread the Word

4.3.74 - Beyond Diplomacy...The Cross

3.16.75 - We Shall Overcome

3.27.77 - Guardians of Grace

3.12.78 - Is It The Same Old Thing?

4.1.79 - Not Mine, But Thine Be Done!

3.23.80 - Good Investments Yield Good Returns

3.28.82 - When The Time Comes...

3.20.83 - God Never Gives Up!

4.8.84 - Discipleship Is More Than A Tax Write-Off!

3.16.86 - Pressing Toward The Goal!

3.19.86 - Passages to Paradise

3.20.88 - Getting To The Heart Of It All!

3.12.89 - The Winning Way!

4.5.92 - Forgetting What Lies Behind

4.2.95 - Letting Go, Yet Holding On!

3.17.02 - Stand Up and Come Alive!

Lent IV

3.15.72 - Filling the Gap

Date N/A - Finders Are Seekers

3.9.75 - Follow The Leader

3.28.76 - The Great Gamble

3.5.78 - Who's The Greatest?

3.13.83 - The Homecoming

3.25.79 - Who Can You Really Count On?

3.29.81 - The Pause That Refreshes

3.17.85 - God Reached Out and Touched Everyone

3.9.86 - Home, Sweet Home!

3.16.88 - Title N/A

3.29.87 - It's About Power Plays!

3.10.91 - Getting It Straight!

3.26.95 - There's No Place Like Home!

3.9.97 - You Can Depend Upon It!

Lent III

3.21.76 - The Declaration of Idenpendence

3.13.77 - It's Now...Or Maybe Never

2.26.78 - That The Blind May See...

3.18.79 - Cross-Eyed

3.9.80 - One Last Chance

3.22.82 - You Can Depend Upon It!

3.10.85 - Being About My Father's Business

3.22.87 - Do You Really Like The Dark?

2.26.89 - God Waits - But Not Forever!

3.18.90 - How Do You See It?

3.14.93 - Coming Out Of The Dark

3.19.95 - Thank God For Another Chance!

3.22.98 - Lost and Found!

3.3.02 - More Than A Lip Quencher!

Lent II

3.21.73 - The Discipline of Denial

3.13.74 - An Open Door Policy

3.10.74 - The Tragedy of Rejection

2.23.75 - Fable of the Pleas

3.6.77 - The Tragedy of Rejection

2.19.78 - After the Well Runs Dry...Then What?

3.2.80 - Stand Firm

3.6.83 - One More Chance

2.23.86 - Wanted: A Prophetic Voice!

2.24.91 - Sent To Be Spent!

3.15.92 - Roots

2.23.97 - Shutting Down or Opening Up?

3.8.98 - The Road Less Traveled

3.18.98 - Herod Antipas (Dramatic Monologue)

Lent I

2.20.72 - No Fault Assurance

2.16.75 - The Real Test

2.27.77 - Get The Devil Out Of Here

3.4.79 - For Us!

2.23.80 - A Wilderness Experience

2.20.83 - No Short Cuts to Glory!

2.24.85 - Nothing Will Separate Us!

2.12.89 - The Never-Ending Struggle!

2.28.93 - Give Me a Break!!

2.20.94 - Desert Testings

3.1.98 - More Than A Private Affair!

2.17.02 - Desert Time


2.13.72 - Is There A Word Of Hope In The Crowd?

3.4.73 - Love Is... !

Ash Wednesday

Date N/A - The Determination of a Dieter

2.23.77 - A Radical Return

2.8.78 - Getting Past the Gap

2.28.79 - Giving Up or Becoming?

2.20.80 - Now or Later?

3.7.84 - And When You Pay...

3.4.81 - Getting Ready for What?

3.4.87 - What Is Lent?

2.13.91 - What's Your Practice?

2.24.93 - Lenten Practice = Renunciation

3.1.95 - Beware Of Your Posture!

2.13.02 - Piety Without Pretension

Pentecost II

6.16.74 - Just Say The Word

6.20.76 - Freedom From Rules and Regulations!

5.28.78 - When The Floods Come, Then What?

6.17.79 - Who's The Head Of Your Household?

6.18 and 8.21 (Year N/A) - When The Floods Come, Then What?

6.5.83 - Breaking Through The Barriers

6.21 and 6.24.84 - Minimal Religion: Spiritual Quicksand!

6.18 and 6.21.87 - When You've Got It...Flaunt It!

6.14 and 6.17.90 - Sandcastles Always Sink!

6.2.91 - A Day To...Remember!

6.21.92 - Where Outsiders Become Insiders

6.10 and 6.13.93 - It's Practice That Counts!

6.1.97 - First Things First!

6.17.01 - Let Go...and Let God!

6.2.02 - From Profession to Practice

Trinity Sunday

5.17.73 - Father Knows Best

5.25.75 - Who Are The Big Three?

6.1.80 - To Tell The Truth

6.14.81 - Go Worldwide With The Big Three...In One

5.28.83 - Not All Victories Without Some Defeats

6.2.85 - What An Inheritance!

6.11 and 6.14.87 - 3-IN-1

5.29.88 - One and Only One

5.25.97 - The Gospel-In-A-Verse

Pentecost I

6.10.73 - In Harmony

6.2.74 - The Counselor Is Always Here

5.18.75 - The Greatest Gift

6.6.76 - Getting Into The Spirit of Things

6.3.79 - Where's The Fire?

5.30.82 - Come Alive!

6.10.84 - A Gift...To Give Away!

5.26.85 - Pepsi, Coke, or Christ?

6.3.90 - Power To The People!

5.30.93 - Cheers or Church?

6.4.95 - Get This Life

5.18.97 - Stand Be Me!

5.3.01 - Get A Life Under The Influence!

Date N/A - The Way Of The Spirit

Easter VII

5.11.75 - A Vision of Unity

5.30.76 - Sincerely Yours

5.22.77 - A Unity of Purpose

5.7.78 - One Final Word

5.18.80 - Is It Worth It?

5.31.81 - One Last Word

5.11.86 - Father, Son, and ... Mom!

5.31.87 - Glory To God ... On Earth!

5.12.91 - To Be Truly Set Apart!

5.31.92 - You Got The Right One, Baby! Uh! Huh!

5.11.97 - Father, Son, and ... Mom! (reprise)

Easter VI

5.23.76 - How's Your Love Life?

5.15.77 - An In-Between Offer

4.30.78 - Another Teacher of the Three R's

5.20.79 - Chosen To Love...Under All Conditions

5.16.82 - What The World Needs Now

5.8.83 - Dear Mom

4.24.83 - No Title

5.24.87 - Never All Alone!

5.20.90 - Love Never Lost!

5.21.95 - To Be or Not To Be...'Holy!'

5.2.02 - Never Abandoned!

5.4.97 - What the World Needs Now!

Easter V

5.16.76 - An Organic Connection

5.8.77 - A New Commandment

5.12.79 - Love Like Mom

5.1.83 - The Distinctive Mark

5.20.84 - This Is The Life!

5.23.89 - The Best Is Yet To Come

5.28.91 - Not Good If Detached!

5.14.95 - Behold...All Things New!

5.10.98 - A New Vision for An Old 4-Letter Word

Transfiguration Sunday

2.9.75 - Is Anybody Listening?

2.29.76 - Presenting - His Majesty

2.20.77 - Patent Pending

2.5.78 - From The Mountain, To The Valley...

2.25.79 - No Cover Ups!

2.17.80 - From The Mountain, To The Valleys... (reprise)

2.21.82 - Unveiled Vision

2.13.83 - A View From The Mountaintop

2.14.88 - Be Mine!

2.25.90 - From The Mountains, To The Valleys... (reprise)

3.1.92 - Coming Down From The Mountain (reprise)

2.13.94 - A View From The Mountaintop (reprise)

2.22.98 - The Glory Yet To Come!


Pentecost VI

7.9.72 - Dying To Live

7.14.74 - Looking Ahead

7.18.76 - You Can Depend On It!

7.16 and 7.19 (Year N/A) - Tough Talk

7.8 and 7.11.82 - A Matter Of Life or Death

7.19 and 7.22.84 - Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway?

7.26 and 7.29.86 - Before It's Too Late!

6.22 and 6.25.89 - But First...

6.30 and 7.3.94 - Keeping The Faith

6.29.97 - Human Wisdom or Divine Foolishness?

7.15.01 - Under New Management

Pentecost V

7.7.74 - Bridging The Gaps

6.22.75 - Nothing To Fear But...

7.3.77 - Roots

6.27.80 - Human Wisdom Or Divine Foolishness?

7.9. and 7.12.87 - Have No Fear?

6.23 and 6.26.88 - A Faith For Droughts And Downpours!

7.5 and 7.8.90 - Fear That Becomes Faith

7.1 and 7.4.93 - In God We Trust...And Fear!

6.22.97 - When Storms Rage, Then What?

Pentecost IV

7.15.73 - Who's Your Hero?

6.30.74 - Deliverance

7.1.79 - No Title

7.2 and 7.5.87 - Reap What You Sow!

7.2 and 7.5.92 - Our Declaration of Independence: Let Go and Let God!

5.19.94 - Little Things Mean A Lot!

7.1.01 - First and Foremost!

6.16.02 - Something To Boast About!

Pentecost III

6.27.71 - And The Search Goes On

6.23.74 - Chosen Before Birth

6.8.75 - Who Needs a Physician?

6.27.76 - The Story Of Our Lives

6.19.77 - Stopping Along The Way

6.5 and 6.8.86 - From Death To Life!

6.17 and 6.20.93 - Wanted: A Good Physician and Father

6.9 and 6.12.94 - It's About God's Family Values!

6.22 and 6.25.95 - Conversionary Christians or Graveyard Groupies?

6.8.96 - All In The Family!

Pentecost IX

8.8.71 - Searching for 'Stage Presence' Under God's Direction

8.19.73 - Facing Crises With Confidence

8.4.74 - A Time Exposure

8.4.79 - A New Creation

7.25 and 7.28.85 - Blest Be The Time That Binds!

7.17 and 7.20.86 - To Laugh and To Linger

8.6 and 8.9.87 - Don't Expect The Garden Of Eden!

7.13 and 7.16.89 - Learning The Proper Posture

7.18 and 7.21.91 - Time for R. & R.

8.6 and 8.9.92 - First Things First!

8.5.01 - Security or Addiction?

Pentecost VIII

8.1.71 - Moving Toward Real Security

7.30.72 - The Godfather

7.28.74 - A Little Help From A Friend

8.1.76 - Warning: Hazardous To Your Health!

7.24.77 - To Be Or Not To Be...

7.30 and 7.2.81 - Have You Checked Your Soil Lately?

7.2 and 7.5.84 - God Never Gives Up!

7.14 and 7.17.88 - Marketing Ministry

7.30 and 8.2.92 - Wanted: A New Platform For An Old Parable

Pentecost VII

7.16.72 - Born To Be Freed

7.16.72 - It's Really A Miraculous-Mystery Tour

7.21.74 - Keep The Faith

7.6.75 - At Ease

7.2.78 - One Thing God Can't Do!

7.6.80 - A Declaration of Freedom and Responsibility!

7.15 and 7.18 (Year N/A) - Hometown Boy Gets Cool Reception

7.3 and 7.6.86 - Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!

6.29 and 7.2.89 - The Colors of Freedom

7.4 and 7.7.91 - When Rejection Become Reception!

7.15 and 7.18.93 - How Do You Spell Relief?

7.6.97 - When Weak Becomes Strong!

Pentecost X

8.15.71 - Being a Unique Piece of the Puzzle

8.15.71 - A Prognosis For Peace

8.26.73 - The Lord's Variety - The Spice of Life

8.26.73 - What Makes For Peace?

7.27.75 - In Search of the Pearl of Life

8.12.79 - Growing Up

8.3.80 - Never Stop Asking!

7.28 and 7.31.83 - Teach Us To Pray!

8.1 and 8.4.85 - Who Gets The Leftovers?

7.24 and 7.27.86 - Let's Make A Deal!

8.13 and 8.16.87 - What's It Worth To You?

8.9.98 - A Faith That Builds Bridges

Pentecost XI

8.18.74 - What's Your Pleasure?

8.22.76 - Rise Above It

8.14.77 - When Will We Ever Learn?

7.27 and 7.30.N/A - Bread, Please!?

8.4 and 8.7.83 - Security or Addiction?

8.4 and 8.7.88 - The Higher Hunger

8.16 and 8.19.90 - Bread, Please!?! (reprise)

8.12 and 8.15.93 - Ave Maria?

8.3.97 - From Belly To Belief!

8.19.01 - When Peace Divides

Pentecost XII

8.10.75 - The Cry For Courage

8.29.76 - Directions: Imitate God

8.21.77 - In God We Trust

8.3 and 8.6.NA - If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of Your Boat

8.26.79 - Some Imitations Are As Good As The Real Thing

8.17.80 - Is It Showing?

8.27 and 8.30.81 - Ever Had That Sinking Feeling?

8.19 and 8.22.82 - Let Us Break Bread Together

8.30 and 9.2.84 - Ever Present Help In Times of Trouble

8.7 and 8.10.86 - Getting Ready For Glory!

8.3 and 8.6.89 - Faith That Builds Bridges

8.11.91 - Words Aren't Enough!

8.27 and 8.30.92 - Faith For The Future

8.11 and 8.14.94 - It's The Real Thing!

8.10.97 - Less of Me; More of Thee!

8.18.96 - Just As You Are!

Pentecost XIII

8.5.71 - It's Not Much Fun Being By-Passed

8.1.74 - Division In The House

8.17.75 - A Master Plan For Humanity

9.5.76 - Words Aren't Enough

9.3 and 9.6.81 - A Master Plan For All People

8.26 and 8.29.82 - X-Rated Love

8.18 and 8.21.83 - No Guts - No Glory!

9.3 and 9.6.87 - Just As You Are!

8.18 and 8.21.88 - Words Aren't Enough! (reprise)

8.30 and 9.2.90 - Please Say, 'Yes'!

8.15 and 8.18.91 - Carpe Diem! (Seize The Moment!)

8.17.97 - I've Got You Under My Skin

8.25.96 - More Than Squeezably Soft!

9.2.01 - Divine Etiquette

Pentecost XIV

9.3.72 - Who Cares?

9.23.73 - To Be Thankful, Or Not To Be - That Is The Question

9.8.74 - Join The 'In Crowd'

9.12.76 - Love and Marriage ... A Two-Way Proposition

9.4.77 - A Name To Live Up To

9.16.84 - Get a Piece of the Rock!

8.29 and 9.1.85 - To Whom Shall We Go?

8.25 and 8.28.88 - Out Of Reverence For ...

8.17 and 8.20.89 - Wide Open, Yet Very Narrow

8.22 and 8.25.91 - Staying The Course!

8.25 and 8.28.94 - To Whom Would You Go?

8.7.86 - Calculating The Cost!

9.1.96 - When Losers Become Winners!

8.24.97 - The Sword, The Shield, and The Helmet

Pentecost XV

9.15.74 - Doing What Comes Un-Naturally

9.19.76 - Does It Really Matter

9.7.80 - On Finding Your Place

9.1 and 9.4.NA - Divine Etiquette

9.20.87 - It's Not Easy!!

9.16.90 - More Than Squeezably Soft!

9.20.92 - Always At The Head Table!

9.12.93 - When Losers Become Winners

8.31.97 - It's What's Inside That Counts!

9.16.01 - Does One Equal More Than 99?

Pentecost XIX

9.28.75 - The Integrity Gap

9.24.78 - What Do You Think?

10.14.79 - The Choice Is Yours

10.19.82 - The Good Hands People

10.2.83 - The Same Sign - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow!

9.28.86 - Love Letters With No Response

10.18.87 - The Doctor's Orders!

9.29.91 - In Search of Angels

9.28.97 - Watch Out For Stumbling Blocks!

10.6.96 - Wanted: A Good Return For All and From All!

Pentecost XVIII

10.1.72 - All In The Family

9.21.75 - What's Next?

10.10.76 - To Be A Child ... Of God

10.11.81 - No Unemployment Problems Here!

10.3.82 - Let There Be Peace on Earth!

10.25.83 - People Or Profits?

10.14.84 - Beyond Comparison!

9.29.85 - What Have You Become Now That You've Grown Up?

9.17.89 - Happy Days Are Here Again!

10.7.90 - How Do You Eat?

10.3.93 - Seeking Equity: Getting Generosity!

Date/Title - N/A

9.21.97 - Stages of Discipleship

10.7.01 - A Little Faith Goes A Long Way!

Pentecost XVII

10.3.71 - Our Family Tie

9.29.74 - The Exorcist Revisited

9.14.75 - The Crossroad of Life and Death

10.3.76 - Out Of Neutral

9.25.77 - The Search Goes On

9.18.83 - Does One Equal More Than 99?

10.7.84 - Oh What A Relief It Is!

10.4.87 - To Forgive Is Divine!

9.14.86 - Lost... And Found! 

10.4.92 - Never Too Lost To Be Found!

9.18.94 - Out Of Neutral!

9.22.96 - Beyond Comparison!

Pentecost XVI

9.22.74 - Calculate The Cost

9.7.75 - The Highest Authority

9.26.76 - Open Your Ears

9.14.80 - Has the Price Gone Up?

9.27.81 - I Pledge Allegiance To...

9.19.82 - A Time To Speak ... And A Time To Listen!

9.7.86 - Calculating The Cost!

8.31 and 9.3.89 - Count The Cost!

9.8.91 - A New World Order

9.15.96 - The High Cost of Forgiving

9.7.97 - Does God Take Sides?

Pentecost XXII

10.19.75 - I Pledge Allegiance To...

10.15.78 - Where Do We Draw The Line?

10.19.86 - Stick To It!

11.8.92 - Pray Without Ceasing!

10.19.97 - The Posture of Greatness!

Pentecost XXI

10.22.72 - Who Gets The Credit - Or Blame?

11.11.73 - A Tug Of Wars

10.12.75 - R.S.V.P.

10.23.77 - Only One Out of Ten

10.16.94 - The Price of Admission

10.20.96 - Where Do We Draw The Line?

10.12.97 - The Stuff or The Staff of Life?

Pentecost XX

10.15.72 - You're Invited

10.5.75 - Come To The Cosmic Reunion

10.24.76 - Stick To One Model

10.17.82 - The Ultimate Partnership

10.5.86 - Little Things Mean A Lot!

10.1.89 - Vital Connections

10.6.91 - Created For Community

10.13.96 - Have No Fear!

10.5.97 - Many Problems, But One Purpose!

10.21.01 - Pray Without Ceasing

Epiphany VIII

2.26.84 - When The Bathroom Scale Becomes The Bible

Pentecost XXIII

11.14.71 - Secular? Or Sacred? Or Both?

10.22.78 - It Takes Everything You've Got

11.11.79 - How Far Can You See?

11.15.81 - How's Your Love Life?

11.18.84 - Back To The Basics!

11.15.87 - Under New Management

11.11.90 - Keeping The Promise!

Pentecost XXVI

11.16.75 - The Double Standard Dilemma

11.12.78 - There's No Business...Like Show Business...In His Kingdom

11.12.89 - Work Available: Inquire Within

Date N/A - Don't Give Up - Just Do It!

Pentecost XXV

11.9.75 - No Investment, No Return

11.9.86 - In Praise of Pillars!

11.9.91 - When The Recession Hits Home!

11.13.94 - The Never-Ending Story of Consecration

11.9.97 - The Everlasting Consecration Story!

11.17.96 - Faithful Investors!

Pentecost XXIV

11.11.72 - Audience or Community?

11.17.74 - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

11.18.79 - God So Loved That...

11.14.93 - The Wise & The Foolish

11.18.01 - Keep The Faith (at all times)!

11.10.96 - Wake Up!

Pentecost XXVII

11.19.78 - Hold Out 'Til The End

Pentecost XXVIII

11.19.89 - Use It or Lose It!


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